Monday, April 29, 2019

Book Summary | 16 Communication Secrets

Book Title : 16 Communication Secrets

Author : Kim Zoller, Kerry Preston 

This book is very all-purpose in nature and provides simple known solutions on the 16 Communication mistakes we probably have unnoticed. 16 communication Secrets is a holistic view of how we communicate our message. You can have brilliant ideas but if you can't put them across, your ideas won't get you anywhere". This statement of the master strategist, Lee Iaccoca forms the essence of Communication Secrets as it brings forth the rationale for becoming an effective communicator. In the introduction itself, the author clarifies what he means when he talks about communication: "Communication is not how and what we say; it is how we are heard. It is not about us; it is about how the other person perceives our messages and us". The author goes on to emphasize how "thought and planning are the keys to making a difference in your communication style and approach". And the principle is fairly simple, "You really do catch more flies with honey than vinegar". Though it is not really a how-to-do book, it does provide some very valid and useful suggestions. The author advocates positive attitude but "having a positive attitude doesn't mean walking around with a big smile on your face all day, every day". It "means looking at worst-case scenarios and thinking about the solution rather than focusing on the problem and who caused it. It was good to be reminded about having two type of personalities: task-oriented and people- oriented. However, this book deals with 16 communication mistakes, we do and provides best practices to be followed for each of these 16 communication secrets. This book brings the awareness of how your mind can create a negative situation that does not really exist. 
Book is short, practical and with real examples. There are questions in the book for self-introspection, it will definitely help for those in teens.

A good book to read and refresh on communication.