Book Name : Raising Positive Kids in a Negative World

Author: Zig Ziglar
Today we live in a smart world where kids are more smarter, faster and technologically advanced than parents. Today the kids are more sensitive. Today although technology has advanced, this also had lead to growing negativity in the world and kids are victims of the same. Therefore raising them in a positive way becomes necessary. This book was first published in 1985 and still the content is relevant to todays digital world.
# To raise positive kids we’ve got to use many essential ingredients – Love, Discipline, Forgiveness and many other qualities all wrapped in any abundance of care and commitment for our children’s eventually well-being.
# Attitude building is highly important and the author suggests the three gems for building attitude: Faith, Hope & Love:
Faith: Faithfulness is an attitude; It speaks of the qualities of trust, reliability and loyalty. Faith is the unifying principle of life, its gives life meaning and definition and direction. Faith is the attitude of man that results in his ability to believe in the future and to work towards tomorrow. Faith is the first step and in s unifying principle that gives us a sense of confidence. Faith is your response to Gods ability.
Hope: Hopefulness is a attitude; expectations, confidence, inspiration and enthusiasm. Hope is the fruit of faith. Hope with believably is one of the greatest gift you can give your child. Hope through spiritual relationship with god, produces an attitude of enthusiasm. Faith opens the door to inspiration and hope powers the forward trust of aspiration.
Love: Love describes the most lasting, most precious and valuable spiritual attitude that bears the slid gold fruit of commitment, sacrifice and honesty.
# The way you think is the way your perform
# When we positive input, we have positive output and when we have negative input, we have negative output
# Those who can make you believe absurdities can make your commit atrocities
# Great music can lift a person to heights of accomplishment and inspire marvelous contribution to society
# Honesty is a marketable commodity
# We fail our children if we say Don’t do as I do, but do as I say
# When you find something good tell your child specifically what you found that you like. Applaud your child.
# Applause is the best motivator, we’ve found to make children feel good about performing and about themselves. Motivation is something you do on a regular basis
# To raise your children as positive winners, you need to frequently assure them that they are winners. Tips for positiveness:
1. Make mealtime, when humanly possible the most casual, relaxing experience of the day
2. Limit your child intake of junk food
3. Provide a healthy breakfast
4. Use common sense principles
5. Be patient
6. Be a good example
7. Encourage healthy snacking
8. Parents must forgo the temptation to constantly repeat to their children what they accomplished when they were in school
9. We need to teach our children and remind them often that nobody can make them feel inferior without their permission and they need to be taught not to give that permission to any one
10. Since your personality is judged by the way others perceive you, the way you teach your child to communicate and come across is extremely important for every phase of his life
11. Select your children jobs or choose the house coarse that have definite starting and stopping points
12. Encourage your children to carefully choose their friends
13. Encourage your child’s character
14. Learning how to read is most important
15. To build your child’s self-image, teach him manners
16. Emphasize the development of a craters, imagination, teach your child to “see”
17. Develop a healthy self-image and to establish a positive loving environment
18. Help your child develop pride in being an important part of something worthy and noble that is bigger than any one individual
19. Build your self image by starting the day looking yourself in the eyes and making the commitment to do and be your best that day.
20. If your child has a physical problem that contribute to a negative self-image, explore your options.
Successful parents raising positive kids need to see, their kid as finished, competent, positive adults