Book Title : Light Bulb Moments : 75 lessons for Everyday Living
Author : Talayah G Stovall
The book is collection of 75 stories that spread uniqueness in experience that one might have undergone. The topics range from purpose, passion, preparation, persistence, patience, goal focus, trials, forgiveness, friendship and many more.
Few that I could recollect;
Prepare, Persevere and it will pass - Sometimes the reward is not in reaching the mountaintop of life but in the lessons you learn during your journey and the strength you gain from the climb.
The rainbow only comes after the storm - The rainbow reminds us of how much God cares about us. In order to get to the rainbow periods in our lives, we must first endure the storms.
Trials Precede Transformation : In order for the butterfly's to emerge, the caterpillar must be transformed. If you are experiencing the pain of change in life, don't fight it. Go with it.
Listen Closely to your GPS - "Listen closely to your GPS" is about navigating through your life. You must know where you are and where you want to go. There is more than one way to get there. It is never too late to get back on track. You might be closer than you think. Enjoy the journey.
Push Through the Concrete - Permanence, Perseverance and Persistence in spite of all obstacles, discouragements and impossibilities its is this that in all things distinguishes the strong soul from the weak.
Find Your Why :
Choose your blocks Carefully - when Moses doubted his ability to lead the people out of Egypt, God told him to use what he already had in his hand. The same goes for us. We can let circumstances rule us, or we can take charge and rule our lives within.
Its all about relationships : The rules of Relationship - Seven Be's: - Be Realistic | Be Authentic | Be Open | Be Tactful | Be Flexible | Be Accountable | Be Patient
Don't be an Elephant - Success is a way of thinking. Shifting our mindsets will shift our energy, which will lead us to positive action.
Empty your Cup - every time you empty it, it comes back twice as full. As you enjoy your own blessings, remember to reach our to others and share from your bounty as only you can.
Beating the Blues -
Alone does not mean lonely -
Don't Quit the Race - Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent. Whatever your race and whatever your goal, just keep on running.
A good read each day as we start every day.