Book Name: Switch: How to change Things when Change is Hard
Author: Clip and Dan Heath

The rider Provide clear understanding of the goal and the benefits. What looks like resistance is often lack of clarity. Motivating the elephant is Create emotional engagement to provide inherent motivation. What looks like laziness is often willpower exhaustion. And shape the path Change the environment to create the behaviour you want. What looks like a people problem is often an environment problem.
The book Switch: How to change things
when change is hard provides a three point framework to lead the change
I. Direct the Rider:
- Find the bright spots
- Script the critical moves
- Point to the destination
- Script the critical moves
- Point to the destination
II. Motivate the Elephant:
- Find the feeling
- Shrink the Change;
- Grow your people
III. Shape the Path:
- Tweak the environment
- Build habits
- Rally the herd
book consists of good case studies on driving change management. Change can
only be brought when behavior is changed through feelings. To change someone's behavior, you've got to change that person's situation.
The author narrates research examples such as Popcorn studies, food perception, companies poor purchase habits, milk experiment, Health care improvement, fighting malnutrition,etc.