Friday, October 1, 2010

Life is useless - Ecclesiastes.

The book of Ecclesiastes contains the thoughts of the "the Philosopher" a man who reflected deeply on how short and contradictory human life is whith its mysterious injustices and frustrations and concluded that "LIFE IS USELESS".

1. life is useless
You spend ur life working, labouring, and wht do u have to show for it ? Generation come and generations go but the world stays just the same.

2. No one remember wise man and no one remembers fools. We must all die - wise and foolish alike.

3. A time for everything

4. I have also learnt why people work so hard to suceed; it is because they envy their neighbours.

5. if you love money, you will never be satisfied; if you long to be rich you will never get all you want . It is useless.

6. A man may have hundred childrens and live a long time, but no matter how long he lives, if he does not get his share of happiness and does not recieve an decent burial, then I say a baby born dead is better off.

7. A good reputation is better than expensive perfume; and the day you die is better than the day you are born.

8. God made us plain and simple, but we have made ourselves very complicated

9. Righteous men get the punishment of the wicked and wicked men get the reward of the righteous.

10. Go ahead - eat your food and be happy; drink your wine and be cheerful its all right with God.

11. Feasting makes you happy and wine cheers you up, but you can't have either without Money

12. Invest your money  in foreign trade, and one of these days you will make profit. Put your investments in several places - many places in fact - because you never know what kind of bad luck you are going to have in this world.

Whats you thought !

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