Successful, effective people are those who launch directly
into their major task and then discipline themselves to work steadily and
single minded until those tasks are complete. The habit of setting priorities,
overcoming procrastination and getting on with your most important task is a
mental and physical skill. Decision,
Discipline and Determination are the three key
qualities to develop the habits of focus and concentration.
Chapter – 1 : Set the Table ( Set the Goal )
Decide what you want | Write down the Goal | Set a
deadline | Make a list of everything that you think needed to achieve the goal
| Plan it | take action on your plan | monitor and update to meet the goal
Chapter -2 : Plan every day in Advance ( Plan )
Apply six P formula – “ Proper Prior Planning Prevents Poor
Prepare Master List , Monthly list, weekly list . Apply 10/90 Rule – This rule says that the
first 10 percent of time that you spend planning and organizing your work
before you begin will say you as much as 90 percent of the time in getting the
job done once you get started.
Chapter -3 : Apply 80/20 Rule ( Prioritise)
Prioritize key goals, activities and responsibilities and
Chapter-4 : Consider the consequences ( Risks)
Long term thinking improves short term decision making |
Future intent influences and often determines present actions | There will
never be enough time to do everything you have to do
Successful people are thoese who are willing to delay
gratification and make sacrifices in the short term so that they can enjoy far
greater rewards in the long term. Think continually about the potential
consequences of your choices, decisions and behaviours is one of the very best
way to determine your true priorities in your work and personal life.
Ask these three questions
What are my highest value activities |What can I and only I
do that if done well will make a real difference | What is the most valuable
use of my time right now
Things that matter most must never be at the mercy of things
that matter least
Chapter-5 : Practice Creative Procrastination ( )
You can get your time and your life under control only to
the degree to which you discontinue lower value activities
Zero based thinking
Chapter -6 : Use ABCDE Method
A – define something that is very important and something
that must do. B – task that you should do. (The rule is that you should never
do a B task when A is left undone) C- task something that is nice to do but for
which there are no consequence at all. D – tasks that can be delegated & E
– task that can be eliminated
Chapter -7 : Focus on Key Results areas
The key result area of management are Planning, Organising,
Staffing, Delegating, Supervising, Measuring and Reporting.
Your weakest key result area sets the height at which you
use all other skills and abilities |Introspect : What one skill, If I developed
and did it in an excellent fashion, would have the greatest positive impact on
my career ?
Chapter -8 : Apply the law of Three
Determine the most important three tasks /goals in each area
where needs to be worked
Chapter -9 : Prepare thoroughly before you begin
Chapter – 10: Take it one oil Barrel at a time
“By the yard its hard; but inch by inch, anything’s a cinch
Chapter – 11: Upgrade your key skills
Three steps to mastery
Read in your field for at least one hour every day | Take
every course and seminar available on the key skills that can help | Listen to
audio programs.
Continuous learning is the minimum requirement for success
in any field
Chapter – 12 : Leverage your special Talent
Successful people are invariably those who have taken the
time to identify what they do well and most enjoy
Chapter – 13: Identify your key constraints
Determine one constraint, internal or external that sets the
Chapter – 14: Put the pressure on yourself
Set deadlines and subdeadlines for every task and
activity. Write down every step of a major job or project before your
Chapter – 15: Maximize your personal powers
Chapter -16: Motivate yourself into
Control your inner dialogue and developing a positive mental
attitude is important. Tips for developing positive mental attitude
First – Optimists looks for the good in the every situations
| Second – Optimistic always seek the valuable lesson in every setback or
difficulty | Third – Optimistic always looks for the solution to every problem
| Fourth – Optimistic think and talk continually about their goals
Chapter – 17 : Get out of the Technological
Time sinks
Use technology for betterment rather than getting addicted.
Use technology to improve the quality of your communication.
Chapter – 18: Slice and Dice the Task
Swiss Cheese your tasks
Chapter – 19 : Create large chunks of time
Schedule your time | use time planner |
Chapter -20: Develop a sense of urgency
Get into flow | Trigger high performance in yourself |build
up a sense of momentum | Do it Now
Chapter – 21: Single handle every Task
Self Discipline is the Key