Friday, March 15, 2019

Book Summary | Catalyst : The ultimate Strategies on how to win at work and in life

Book : Catalyst : The ultimate Strategies on how to win at work and in life
Author: Chandramouli Venkatesan

Catalyst: The ultimate strategies on how to win at work and in life is based on experience of the author while working in few reputed organisations.

Foundations & Pillars: This book shares the about authors experience in dealing career aspirations and management.  Typically  everyone aspires to be very successful in their career and wants to grow very fast and climb the ladder of success. Career is broadly divided into two halves, where in 95% of the time people are successful  in the first halve and only 5% of the people are successful in second halve. Career success – easy in the first half, difficult in the second half.  The major factors for success depends upon  (i) The nature of the organization, (ii) The Impact of the boss and supervisors (iii) The preparation required to succeed at each level. Success in the second halves of career is largely a function of the foundation & pillars built in the first halves. 

Algorithm & Target Measure Review Reflect: The author uses “Algorithm & TMRR” ( Target Measure Review Reflect) more frequently, you can find in every sixth page .  Many people post  or tweet messages, experiences etc. in the digital space of Facebook, LinkedIn etc., but few gets noticed and gets shared. This is because an algorithm is inbuilt which tracks the likes and dislikes and prioritize these. Similarly in career growth the algorithm is built with IQ and EQ and therefore career growth is related to Real individual Growth which includes Environmental Aspects. Personal productivity is converting this algorithm into output. To increase the  productivity focus needs to be within the circle of influence.

Learning Cycles : Successful people seems to have participated in more major learning cycles then less successful & successful people seemed to have extracted more experience and real individual growth out of the learning cycles they participate in than less successful people. Career cannot be linear and it should be managed.  A good career management as three fundamental principles –(i) focus on depth over width (ii) Complete major learning cycles (iii) get out there when you can. While doing career planning identifying a good boss is very important. A hint to identify a good boss, may be through a good company – may be company’s rating in talent market, reputation of hiring quality talent.

Decision Making for Quitting  & Joining:  2X2 matrix for decision making to quite – Current organisation – What is good & What is bad | Future organisation – What can be good & What can be bad. Motivation is through hopping on a hobby and leadership is function of Position, Content & Values.


  1. Good write-up and nicely summarized!

    1. ManuPK
      Thank you for your words and encouragement

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