Title : 10-10-10 : A life Transforming Idea
Author : Suzy Welch
Ten Ten Ten !! has different connotation based on the situation.
Ten Ten Ten - A Life Transforming Idea, after reading this book, my thoughts is that this book teaches an new method or process that could be practiced for decision making. This method of decision making considers short term, medium term and long term perceptive of the decision.

The book has nine chapters -
1. 10-10-10 in the light of the day
2. The science behind the sytem
3. Value equation of 10-10-10
4. Happily Every after
5. In work, dignity
6. You can get there from here
7. Teach your children well
8. Lean on me
9. The mistleto Dart
10-10-10 is taking decision differently, proactively by delebrately considering the consequence in the immediate present, near team and distant future. In Ten Minutes.... Ten Months .... and Ten Years with a road map of clarity and courage. Every 10-10-10 process starts with a question or dilemma, or crisis or problem. The first 10 basically stands for "Right Now" as in one minute, one hour or one week. The second 10 represents that point in the foreseeable future when the initial reaction to your decision has passed but its consequence continues to play out in ways you can reasonably predict. And the third 10 stands for a time in future that is so far off that its particulars are entirely vague.
This idea of 10-10-10 is for lifting people up, not breaking them more. May be another way to look at things before concluding. I found the first chapter is all about the idea, and rest of the chapters are about dragging with some examples which are not interesting.
A one time read !!