Thursday, December 13, 2012

LiFE & deATH !!

Life and death are the two faces of the same coin. We love and show lot of affection to our loved ones when they are alive. It becames our moral not to abandon them, just become they are no more. The emotions and memories keep us hunting us when we rewind ourselves. The time we spent together, the fights we had together and moment of fun we had together.  Every religion has a day to remember the departed loved ones. Today as I crossed the Christian cemetery I found candles lighted on the graves, aroma of the burning instinct sticks and loved ones paying homage to the departed dear ones. Tears flowing down, people consoling and offering condolence. The weeping tears express the affection and remembrance.
Today few people plan the birth based on the astrology and auspicious timings. Thninking and assuming the future would be bright and will touch the success through colours. But nobody plans their death. Death is something tarring and scary. However the best part of each of us death is the wish on the death. Every one wish to die a comfortable death without any struggle and giving much trouble to others. Many wish to die on auspicious day and love to have a big crowd to mourn the loss.
Many thoughts come across the mind; every religion practices the day to remember the departed souls. In some graveyards there are lot of candles, flowers and people standing. Many graves looks empty without anyone. Today we are in a world of technology, where every thing and activity need to be online without having any troubles. However we are always busy and have no time to express our love  and gratitude for a minute near the grave for the loved one.

Bottom-line It is not that death can be evicted, but we are born to die. However the days & time we spend by our good deeds are the promise of better rewards after death. The day is just an reminder that we are just visitors in this world. Some visitors are lucky that they can enjoy each moment in their journey. But reminds that we are made of mud and we will go into mud.

Friday, December 7, 2012


Every day there are many thoughts that strike each one of you in our day to day interaction with people or while reading any article. We also find lot of issues on disparity among the rich, middle class and poor people. The gap between all these are so huge and growing that it won’t be of any surprise if an revolution takes place in future. I find many people working hard just to earn bread to feed their family at least once. On the other hand when I visit the restaurants we find people wasting the food. Where does it go ? is the thought ! 
The last 10 years and so, we have read the stories of Shining India, published, propagated in the media and politicians delivering their speeches publishing their achievements. Is this growth Inclusive ? or just for some layer of people, who are already well established and leading a niche life? In many places we see the banners on 
“prohibition of child labor , however if we visit any restaurants we always find the child labors working or cleaning. The salary they earn is in peanuts compared to IT industries. Many a times i think what the chief or CEO of any company do so differently that he is paid in astronomical figures. Are their salaries and perks justified ? By the way whose money is it, the small time share holders and stakeholders? It is true that the decision made by the MD / CEO of any organisation either would take the organisation to the traciatory growth path or just wipe out from the business. However the point that harps is that all these decisions are made on the facts & data provided by the lower grade employees, who work and not get benefited as that ... 
The growth story of India shinning has provided an opportunity to all in India to experience the mall culture, that once was the highlight of western countries. All though these big brand retail & mall culture have provided opportunity for employment and earning but these earning can only feed the family and not prospers. The prosperity of these approaches is only for the owners. The poor man can visit these malls and experience the look and wonder for the marvelous but cannot purchase. Because the so called growth is not inclusive.

The IT revolution changed the living standard of people working in these industries, making people working in other industries envy and develop an inferiority complex among themselves. It has created an division among the workforce. Everyone is aware of the shortcut of cut & paste, and organisation have created this by coping and pasting from western culture to form “Outsourced”. In many organisations the core operations are also outsourced just to ensure profits, what about the benefits of the outsourced employees ? they are robbed of their benefits and dignity. They are made to work hard and the employees of the organisation hardly work. Till what time shall these guys suffer ? And all these efforts and results of such operations from outsourced workforce is benefited by rise in salary & perks of the senior management of organisations. The percentage of profits are shared apart from the percentage regular increments.
It is just mockery making the increments standard across the organisation. The person who earns more gets more and more, the person earns less is happy about the increment % but is of no use. The inflation is same be it rich or poor ?
Only time will have to say !