Author : Indranil Chakraborty
Stories at Work - is structured into three parts, first part is on creating the need on why and how to build your story
bank. The second part of the book explains the various story patterns and how
stories can be used to build rapport and credibility. The final part of the
book is putting them all together touching upon values to be understood,
understanding complex human stories, storytelling with data, etc.
The five essentials’
elements of a story are –
1. Start with a time marker, or a place marker
2. About something happening
3. If you hear names/dialogues, it is a story
4. Something unanticipated happens
5. A relevance statement: why am I telling you this story?
situations in business where we start our story telling journey are
1. When we are building a rapport with people we hope to work
with – clients, team members and stakeholders
2. When we explain change – this could range from new vision,
mission to transformation agenda to a small change in a administrative process
3. When we are trying to get people to change their minds and
when we are trying to handle objections or mental blocks
4. When we are looking at sharing best practices, knowledge or
Story collection can also be used
using Cynefin framework adopting a structure of Probe, Sense and Respond.