Thursday, May 14, 2009

Top Managament Drives Change !

Everyone appreciates the tremendous Engineering marvelous of TATA's for there dream of Peoples car the "Nano". People applauded, Buying spirit etc...... and the journey continued.

Now the thought process,

If the same thought of Peoples Car was an dream of TATA motors Foreman would it be the built?
Would have made the same charm>??

Would the management agreed and shaped the new product ?

This was done only because Top Management involvement or else the car would be in paper.

That's the role Management has to Play, Give challenge to change !

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Change in Customer.

Customer satisfaction can be increased when there is paradigm shift in think about how to retain and keep the customer on board by all in the concerned industry by,

1. Serving his needs to the best
2. Executing the requirements without fuzz
3. Treating his requirement as elite

Leads to prioritize his expectations into clear cut Goals.

Customer satisfaction surveys shows how the customer feels about the service or products, Its the open house result for Management & Employees. Faster they understand the needs quicker they can change.
Bring cheer on the face of customer.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

No to Bangalore & Yes to Buffalo ....why ??

Obama’ Says !

No to Bangalore & Yes to Buffalo ....why ??

In Bangalore lot of traffic where people find it difficult to walk on footpath and roads are full with vehicles so then how can Buffalo Move !

Take it easy Guys !

change Required !!

Thought process - Dynamic change !

yesterday i was walking across with my friend on the sides of Gate way of India.
Watching the Hotel Taj, siting across the wall next to the sea........
Relishing at the people walking, smiling shouting with joy as they moved on........
One thought my friend asked me?
Everyone is moving around, some are siting across, some are alone and standing what may be the thought process across each person? What each person will be thinking?
What will happen if everyone thinks the same?
what will happen if everyone thinking is put on paper and work on it?

Dynamic change??

dont know !

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Truth of Life but we ignore !

Truth of life that everyone knows,that we are gisy in this small world. We are travelers who does not know where we are traveling but try to achieve and make happy in this small journey called life. .

In whole of life we work hard accumulating, multiplying, advising, so and so forth....
We are born as a baby weighing 5-6 lbs and he turned into ashes weighing 5-6 lbs.
Everything in the middle between birth and death is the journey some remember it, Some explain through others eyes. However its only the sweet memory that makes the person great.
In life time we may acquire lot of money, but ultimate the good relationship & experience which people remember and cherish..

We are all here as guests on this earth,We know it but we move into worldly desires. "Desire is the main Cause for Unhappyness" but we just igonre it? Why we are deeply into materialized world & living. The best we can do to lead an good life that will last us multiple life-times than the stuff we do for the heart and mind, which is fickle and gets attracted to the 'moh-maya' of daily living. Our eyes, ears, tongue, sense of touch and smell attract these worldly belongings everyday, knowing full well that we are going end up in the river down the street.

It is JUST amazing that in the middle of all of our hicups of the day we read & go through this...... Thank you for doing that..

Friday, May 1, 2009

Money has No Memory & Experience has...

You will never know what the total cost of your education was, but for a lifetime you will recall and relive the memories of schools and colleges. Few years from now, you will forget the amount you paid to settle the hospitalization bill, but will ever cherish having saved your mother’s life or the life you get to live with the just born.

Money has no memory. Experience has.

Good times and bad times, times of prosperity and times of poverty, times when the future looked so secure and times when you didn’t know from where the tomorrow will come… life has been in one way or the other a roller-coaster ride for everyone. Beyond all that abundance and beyond all that deprivation, what remains is the memory of experiences. Sometimes the wallet was full…sometimes even the pocket was empty. There was enough and you still had reasons to frown. There wasn’t enough and you still had reasons to smile. Today, you can look back with tears of gratitude for all the times you had laughed together, and also look back with a smile at all the times you cried alone. All in all, life filled you with experiences to create a history of your own self, and you alone can remember them all.

No denying that anything that’s material cost money, but the fact remains the cost of the experience will be forgotten, but the experience never.

If you are not happy with what you have, no matter how much more you have, you will still not be happy.

Remember a bird sitting on a tree doesn’t get afraid of a branch shaking or breaking coz d bird does not trust branch….it trust its WINGS……….so trust yourself

A ship is safe when it is on anchor……..but ship is not built for the same……….