Book: The
Age of Agile: How
smart companies are transforming the way work gets Done
Author: Stephen
One of the popular words in today’s corporate world
in any discussion is Agile. It may be on the culture of work, the projects that
we drive. Today organizations are connecting everything and everywhere, all the
time. They can deliver instant, intimate frictionless value on a large scale.
They are creating a world in which people, insights and money interact quickly,
easily, and cheaply. In software development, there is no option but to purse
Agile Management. The shift is
nonnegotiable. If management won’t support Agile Management, the best developers
go elsewhere.
And since the software is
eating the world and become more central aspect of every business model, the
pressure for changing from within the organization is never ending.
Agile Management is about working smarter than
harder. Agile
is about understanding and interacting with the world with a different mindset.
Business success in the twenty-first century increasingly depends on becoming quick
as the rapid shifting and unpredictable context in which organization operate. Becoming
an agile organization is an increasingly urgent necessity for companies in
today’s digital economy. The principle of Agile management is empowering small
teams, that will add value to the customers through bottom-up innovations. There
are many case studies and research, that Innovations generated by agile teams
had fuel growth. Innovations that happen from the top-down trends to be orderly
but dumb. Innovation that happens from that happens from the bottom-up trends
to be chaotic but smart. Agile means embracing fundamentally different assumptions.
In organizations that have embraced agile management, self-organizing teams are
continuously providing new value for customers. When Agile is done right, the
teams are working within a business model in which organization is generating
value for the organization itself as well as customers. Agile is about generating more value
from less work. The driver of sustained success is the Agile Mindset.
Core characteristics of Agile
1. The law of small teams
Agile practitioners share a mindset that work should in principle be
done in a small autonomous, cross-functional teams working in short cycles on
relatively small tasks and getting continuously feedback from the ultimate
customer or end-user.
2. The law of the customer
Agile practitioners are obsessed with delivering value to customers. The
firm adjust everything – goals, values, principles, processes, systems,
practices, data structures, incentives, - to generate continuous new value for
customers and ruthlessly eliminates anything that does not contribute. The law
of the customer is a single message, delivered consistently, every day all the
time. Agile teams take initiatives on their own and interact with other agile
teams to solve common problems.
Agile Small team – Common Practices
1. Work in small batches
2. Small cross functional teams
3. Limited wok in process in agile
management, teams learn to focus on an amount of work that can be brought to
completion in each short cycle.
4. Autonomous teams
5. Getting to “Done”
6. Work without interruption
7. Daily standups
8. Radically transparency
9. Customer feedback each cycle
10. Retrospective reviews
Rule of the customer – Practices by
Agile teams.
Constantly experiment
Partner with start-ups
Increase product malleability (turn a physical
product into a digital product)
Innovate in short stages
Be willing to disappoint
Deliver value faster
3. The law of the network
Agile practitioners view the
organization as a fluid and transparent network of players that are
contributing towards a common goal of delighting customers. A network is a group or system of interconnected
people or things. An organizational network is a set of teams that interact
with and collaborate with other teams with the same connectivity. A network
model of organization is key to making the whole organization agile.
Assumptions of Networking:
1. Network has a compelling goal
2. The network comprises small groups
3. The groups have an action
4. The network is the sum of the small
5. The network legal framework stays in
the background
Reviews - Continuously Monitor Progress to
drive business:
Every month the program manager
reports out on metrics of the accounts, measuring different aspects of the
service. The group is learning to become a data informed business. Done is having the right measures. The teams
see this data and monitor it, both when they are testing it and as soon s it
goes live. They use the metrics to drive the business forward.
components of a market creating value proposition: Need, Approach, Benefits per costs, and
Competition (NABC).
The four
Management Traps
1. Maximizing shareholder value
value is the dumbest idea in the world. Shareholder value is a result not a
strategy. Short-term profits should be aligned with an increase in the long-term
value of a company.
2. The trap of buy back of shares.
Market leadership can translate
directly to higher revenue, higher profitability, greater capital velocity and correspondingly
stronger returns on invested capital.
3. Cost oriented economics trap.
Cutting costs could lead
to a permanent loss of expertise. – Dell case study an interesting
4. The trap of backward-looking
Transformative ideas are ideas that
change our frame of refences. Agile
Management offers a financial critique of current management. Shareholder value
thinking is a trap that inexorably leads to a preoccupation with the short term
and ultimately destroys shareholder value. The emerging age thus offers the possibility
of a great awakening – a foreshadowing of a transformation in the way our
organizations and our society functions. The emerging age offers a promising
path forward. It’s the work of many minds, hearts and hands.
The difference between winners and
losers is not the matter of access to technology or big data. Both the
successful and unsuccessful firms generally have access to same technology and
data, which are now largely commodities.
The difference lies in a different way of running the organization that
deploys technology and data more nimbly.
The central theme of this book – the corporations must radically
reinvent how they are organized and led and embrace a new management paradigm. A
principal role of the top is to identify and support champions throughout the
I would
recommend reading the case study of how Microsoft deployed Agile and then read
the chapters for easy navigation and connect on the principles.