story is about an incident of molestation with a girl after the rock show when
they get friendly with boys in the concert. The picturisation is on their
struggle with the society and police, the suffering of being a Single Working Women
and hardship for justice. In my opinion, the performance the legend Amitab
Bachachan is just outstanding. The song is soul touching, in the entire
storytelling, cinematography there is no boredom. The movie is directed
straight by heart and A Movie Must Watch.
defines mind-set into Fixed and Growth. The movie is directed keeping in mind the fixed mindset of the society today. Watching this movie in a Growth mind-set, ignites key thoughts on our beliefs, values systems and culture at large. Our collective mindsets and values define the society we
live in. And ‘Pink’ tells us everything that’s wrong with us. And men alone
aren’t to be blamed. Women stand equally guilty.
Pertinent Questions on Powerful:
misuse their authorities to their advantage. Power is associated with arrogance.
Fearing to ask the pertinent question and scared of the powerful causes dealy
in lodging a complaint. As a result of this, the matter gets complicated. One
has to be bold enough to fight for the cause that gave nightmares. Inner Power
(self-confidence) should not be surrendered just because someone or the society
looks differently. Until the truth revels, everyone has their own opinion and peruse
Initiate and be intense
we fear for the consequences and delay to initiate matters as soon when we feel
we are in danger. Instead of seeking outsider help and support, initiate things
at your end and then seek help. If the cause is righteous, people will come
forward for help.
No Means No.
definitely doesn’t mean a concealed “Yes”. One has its own self respect and dignity to
reject what he or she feels even after agreeing first. We often look for obedient
and many a times we take things for granted. Say ‘No” and stick to the word,
its own life.
Knowledge is power:
knowledge on the solve the problems. Today many of the information are
available online, use right tools and techniques to obtain knowledge to solve
the problems rather than depending for help. Knowledge ensures we are not
dependent on others.
well written thoughts and yes despite the Legal backing with POSH Act and others, it is becoming very difficult (rather delayed) for the weak to get justice in the Courts of Law, thanks to all the red tapes and corruption. Hope the mindsets and system change for the better