Title : The
Magic of Thinking Big
- Author : David J Schwartz
book was first published in 1959, the book appears on many "must
read" lists, and is sometimes quoted by modern authors. I enjoyed reading
the book. Inspirational to really push yourself past your comfort zone to be
successful. The 3 areas of focus are career, family, and social. I have developed the crux of the book as
ready reckoner. Although at the end of the each chapter, the author has summarized.
I think this book is worth refreshing and relooking at times. The author also provides some framework on how
to avoid excuses, build confidence, build enthusiasm and lastly the magic of
thinking big.

Excuse 1: But My health isn’t good | remedy:
Refuse to talk about health; refuse worry
Excuse 2: But you’ve got to have brains to
succeed | remedy: Never underestimate your confidence; remind yourself several
times and put your intelligence to creative positive
Excuse3: It’s no use; I am too old or too young
| Remedy: invest in future; compute how much productive; look present age
Excuse4: But my case is different; I attract
bad luck |Remedy: Accept the law of cause and effect; don’t be a wishful
means winning. Belief in greatest driving force, the power behind all the great
books, plays and scientific discoveries. Disbelief is negative power. Doubt
disbelief, the subconscious will fail, the not really wanting to succeed is
responsible for most failures. Belief is the thermostat that regulates what we
accomplish in life. The magic of
thinking big is about, Think Success, Remind yourself regularly your better
than you think so and Believe Big. Big ideas and big plans were often easier. The
magic of thinking big is through 3 step framework
- Provide the content – What to do
- Supply a method – How to do
- Meet the acid test – Get results.
Magic of
thinking Big comes through Confidence. Confidence has a common meaning of
a certainty about handling something, such as work, family, social events, or
relationships. The book provides key insights to building Confidence and practise
that needs to be followed to think and act confidently:
- Deposit only positive thoughts in your memory bank
- Withdraw only positive thoughts from your memory bank
- . Get balanced view to other fellows
- . Develop an understanding attitude.
"think confidently, act confidently" practice the following needs to
be practiced
- Be a front seater
- Practice making eye contact
- Walk 25 percent faster
- Practice speaking up
- Smile Big
build confidence we need to be enthusiastic. Enthusiasm can make things 1000%
better, three steps to create enthusiasm are
- 1. Dig into it deep
- 2. In everything you do, life it up
- 3 Broadcast good news
think big use words and phrases that produce big, positive mental images.4 ways
to think big vocabulary
1. Use big positive, cheerful words and phrases to
describe how you feel
2. Use bright cheerful, favourable words and phrases
to describe other people
3. Use positive language to encourage others.
Complement people personally at every opportunity
4. Use positive words to outline plan to others
A must read book that touches many aspects.