Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Book Summary | Giving Effective Feedback (HBR 20-Minute Manager Series)

"Praise effort, not ability". Remember to praise those around you for their work, including failures.

Giving Effective Feedback (HBR 20-Minute Manager Series)
Providing feedback an toughest thing in professional and personal positions, that has the ability to make or breaking a relationship. Feedback is often corrective, which means its intended to help the recipient change course or adjust practices when the current ones aren't working. Therefore giving effective feedback becomes critical. The objective of feedback conversation is to reinforce positive behaviour or improve performance.

The book is a ready reckoner that provides clear guidelines and difference between feedback, coaching and Performance Appraisal. Feedback discussion is an opportunity to share the observations with others about the performance and behaviour. It becomes very important to identify the right situation to provide the feedback. The best part of the book is the flow on feedback process - from planning to follow-up and tips that one should remember while dealing with feedback. The influence of feedback is easy in job skills, time and work management and knowledge but it is difficult to influence in the areas of  attributes, habits and personality traits, where one has to extra cautious.

Some of the points that needs to be followed during feedback are - Active Listening | Observe  Nonverbal cues | Monitoring the reactions | Paraphrase the recipient.

Feedback is not a cure-all for workplace ills. And feedback varies in case of difficult conversations, high performers and boss . 

"Praise effort, not ability" this easy to remember thought can become your daily mantra. Remember to praise those around you for their work, including failures.

A small book, very handy and helpful

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