Chapter – I: Who is the Holy Spirit
The holy spirit is not an impersonal force,
like gravity or magnetism. He is a person, with all the attributes of
personality. But not only is He a person; He is divine as well. The attributes
He is enteral | He is all powerful | He is everywhere present | He is omniscient | The holy spirit is called God | He is creator.
There is one body and one spirit, just as also you were called in one hope of your calling.
He is enteral | He is all powerful | He is everywhere present | He is omniscient | The holy spirit is called God | He is creator.
There is one body and one spirit, just as also you were called in one hope of your calling.
Chapter - II : When the Holy Spirit has Come
There are three main expressions used in old testament for the work on Holy Spirit on human being
He came upon men | He rested on men | He filled men
Pentecost is the day marked as crucial turning point in the history of Gods dealing with the human race. It is one of the five past events, all of which are essential components of the Christian gospel; the incarnation, The atonement, the resurrection, the ascension and Pentecost. The Holy Spirit also acts through the people of God, who are called the salt of the earth and the light of the world by Jesus.
Commitment without reflection is fanaticism in action. But reflection without commitment is the paralysis of all actions.
Chapter - III : Holy Spirit and the Bible
This chapter the author presents the Holy spirits work in the scriptures, both from old testament and the New Testaments. As we approach the end of the age, persecution is going to be intensified.
Chapter - IV: The Holy Spirit and Salvation
Science and technology cannot change man's basic nature. Economic restructuring cannot change man's basic nature. No amount of self-improvements or wishful thinking can change man's basic nature. Only God the one who created us can recreate us.
Spiritual regeneration is accomplished by the Holy Spirit. Regeneration is not the work of the evangelist; it is the work of God's Spirit. the indispensable condition of the new birth is repentance and faith, but repentance and faith itself does not save. The new birth will bring about change in your relationship with God, a change in your relationship with your family, a change in your relationship with yourself, a change in your relationship with your neighbours, Gradually, if you are an obedient believer, it will bring about a change in disposition, affection, aims, principles, and dimensions.
Chapter - 5 : Baptism with the Spirit
Baptism with the spirit is a collective operations of the spirit of God; it includes every believer. There are seven passages in the New Testaments that speak directly of the baptism with the spirit.
Chapter - 6: The Seal, The Pledge and the Witnessing of the Holy Spirit
Chapter - 7 : The Christian's Inner Struggle
We have two natures within us, both struggling for mastery. Which one will dominate us? it depends upon which one we feed. If we feed our spiritual lives and allow the Holy Spirit to empower us, he will have rule over us. If we starve our spiritual natures and instead feed the old, sinful nature, the flesh will dominate.
The Scripture teaches that sanctification has three parts, first - the moment you receive Christ, Second - as we progress n the Christian life and third - when we go to heaven. Whether we realize it or not, we are growing spiritually through the conflicts, turbulence, troubles, temptations, testing’s and so on that afflict all Christians slowly or rapidly
Chapter - 8 : The fullness of the Spirit
Power is dynamically related to person. This person is the Holy Spirit Himself, indwelling the Christian and filling him with the fullness of his power. He will permit us to have only as much as power as He knows we will use or need. Unfortunately, many Christians are disobedient and having prayed for power, have no intention of using it, or else neglect to follow through in active obedience. I think it is a waste of time for us to look for power we do not intend to use; for might in prayer, unless we pray; for strength to testify, without witnessing for power unto holiness, without attempting to live a holy life; for grace to supper, unless we take up the cross; for power in service, unless we serve. Someone has said, “God gives dying grace only to the dying".
Chapter - 9: How to be filled with Holy Spirit
The New Testament teaching on how to be filled with holy spirit can be summarized in three terms;
Understanding | Submission and Walking by Faith
Chapter - 10: Sins against the Holy Spirit
Two sins against the Holy spirit can be committed - one is to grieve the holy spirit and other is to quench the spirit.
Chapter - 11: Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Wisdom | Understanding | Counsel |Fortitude | Knowledge | Piety | Fear of the Lord.
Chapter - 5 : Baptism with the Spirit
Baptism with the spirit is a collective operations of the spirit of God; it includes every believer. There are seven passages in the New Testaments that speak directly of the baptism with the spirit.
Chapter - 6: The Seal, The Pledge and the Witnessing of the Holy Spirit
Chapter - 7 : The Christian's Inner Struggle
We have two natures within us, both struggling for mastery. Which one will dominate us? it depends upon which one we feed. If we feed our spiritual lives and allow the Holy Spirit to empower us, he will have rule over us. If we starve our spiritual natures and instead feed the old, sinful nature, the flesh will dominate.
The Scripture teaches that sanctification has three parts, first - the moment you receive Christ, Second - as we progress n the Christian life and third - when we go to heaven. Whether we realize it or not, we are growing spiritually through the conflicts, turbulence, troubles, temptations, testing’s and so on that afflict all Christians slowly or rapidly
Chapter - 8 : The fullness of the Spirit
Power is dynamically related to person. This person is the Holy Spirit Himself, indwelling the Christian and filling him with the fullness of his power. He will permit us to have only as much as power as He knows we will use or need. Unfortunately, many Christians are disobedient and having prayed for power, have no intention of using it, or else neglect to follow through in active obedience. I think it is a waste of time for us to look for power we do not intend to use; for might in prayer, unless we pray; for strength to testify, without witnessing for power unto holiness, without attempting to live a holy life; for grace to supper, unless we take up the cross; for power in service, unless we serve. Someone has said, “God gives dying grace only to the dying".
Chapter - 9: How to be filled with Holy Spirit
The New Testament teaching on how to be filled with holy spirit can be summarized in three terms;
Understanding | Submission and Walking by Faith
Chapter - 10: Sins against the Holy Spirit
Two sins against the Holy spirit can be committed - one is to grieve the holy spirit and other is to quench the spirit.
Chapter - 11: Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Wisdom | Understanding | Counsel |Fortitude | Knowledge | Piety | Fear of the Lord.
Chapter - 12: Further Gifts of the Holy Spirit
We can possess three kinds of wisdom, the first comes to us naturally, the second comes from learning and the highest kind of wisdom comes directly from God and is associated with the particular work of the Holy Spirit.
Chapter - 13: The Sign Gifts
The sign gifts include healing, miracles and tongues.
Chapter - 14: The Fruits of the Holy Spirit
Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-Control
Chapter - 18: The need of the hour
Eight characteristics of outpouring of Holy Spirit
1. There will be a new vision of the majesty of God
2. There will be a new vision of the sinfulness of sin
3. There will be an emphasis on the necessity of repentance, faith and the new birth
4. There will be the joy of salvation
5. There will be anew realization of our responsibility for world evangelization
6. There will be a deep social concern
7. There will be increased evidence of both the gifts and the fruit of the spirit
8. There will be renewed dependence upon the Holy Spirit.
A book that needs to be re-read for greater inspiration and faith building.
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