Monday, September 24, 2018

Book Summary | It's Your Ship

Book: Management Techniques from the Best Damn Ship in the Navy - It’s Your Ship 
Author: Captain D Michael Abrashoff.
The book contains practical lessons from his experience of transforming the USS Benfold, previously one of the worst performing ships in the US Navy.  His management techniques provide a unique collection of best practice, which can be used with as much success in the business world as they have had in the military. Whether it is Armed Forces or the Organisations, all leaders face common challenge of getting the most out of the crews (Employees). This depends upon the three variables – The Leader’s needs, The organisation’s atmosphere, and the crew’s potential competence. This is where the book provides the leadership examples of overcoming through 11 practices of leadership tested at Benfold. Leadership lies in simple things – common-sense actions that ensure high morale and increase the odds of winning.  Leaders must be willing to put the ship’s performance ahead of their egos.

Chapter I – Take Command
Top reasons for people quitting the organisations  | Not being treated with Respect or dignity | Prevented from making an impact on the organisation | Not being listened | Not being rewarded with more responsibility and compensation is the fifth reason for quitting.
  • -       The key to being a successful Leader is to see the ship through the eyes of the Employees
  • -         Empowering means defining the parameters in which people are allowed to operate and then setting them free. As a leader empower the people to take decision and whenever the consequence of a decision had the potential to kill or injure someone, waste taxpayers money, or damage the ship, make leader to be consulted.

Chapter II – Lead by Example
  • -          A leader will never accomplish what he or she wants by ordering it done.
  • -          It’s funny how often the problem is Leader.  
  • -          Never forget your effect on people: Mediocre leaders don’t even take the trouble to know their people.  Enthusiastic leader, will have enthusiastic workforce.
  • -          Leaders know how to be held accountable
  • -          Obey even when you disagree.

Chapter III – Listen Aggressively
  • -          See the ship through the crew’s eyes
  • -          Find round people for round holes
  • -          Use the power of word magic –

Chapter IV – Communicate purpose with Meaning
  • -          Make your crew think we can do anything
  • -          Open up the clogged channels
  • -          After creating a great band, Defend It
  • -          Freedom creates Discipline

Chapter V – Create a climate of Trust
  • -          Never pit dog against dog – Internal bickering and posturing does nothing for the bottom-line.
  • -          Even the worst screw-up may be redeemable
  • -          Welcome the bad news messenger – Mid level managers should be the one to survery the grey areas and provide directions.
  • -          Protect your people from lunatic bosses – Helping your boss when he or she needs you badly is a pretty good investment.
  • -          Trust also makes money

Chapter VI – Look for Results not Salutes
  • -          Help knock down the barriers
  • -          Let your crew feel free to speak up – Facts are facts and deserve attention not retribution.
  • -          Free your crew from tip down its
  • -          Nurture the freedom for fail
  • -          Innovation knows no Ranks
  • -          Challenge your crew beyond its reach

Chapter VII – Take Calculated Risks
  • -          Bet on the people who think for themselves
  • -          Take a chance on a promising sailor
  • -          If a rule doesn’t make a sense, Break it

Chapter VIII – Go beyond Standard operating Procedure
  • -          Keep your priorities in Focus
  • -          Stay ahead of the competition
  • -          Push the envelope for Innovation
  • -          Go for the obvious, it’s probabaly a winner
  • -          Don’t work harder, work smarter

-          Innovation and progress are achieved only by those who venture beyond Standard operating procedure.

Chapter IX – Build up your people
  • -          Little things make big successes
  • -          Trust people., they usually prove you’re right
  • -          Expect the best form your crew. You will get it
  • -          Build a strong, deep bench
  • -          Counsel continuously and Honestly

Chapter X – Generate Unity
  • -          Forget diversity. Train for unity
  • -          Deal out punishment strictly but fairly  - First take background and circumstances into consideration before passing judgement. Second help wrongdoers become better citizens.

Chapter XI – Improve your people’s Quality of Life
  • -          Fun with your friends makes a happy ship
  • -          In heavy times, lighten up

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Book Summary | Raising Positive Kids in a Negative World

Book Name :  Raising Positive Kids in a Negative World 

Author: Zig Ziglar 

Today we live in a smart world where kids are more smarter, faster and technologically advanced than parents. Today the kids are more sensitive. Today although technology has advanced, this also had lead to growing negativity in the world and kids are victims of the same. Therefore raising them in a positive way becomes necessary.  This book was first published in 1985 and still the content is relevant to todays digital world.

# To raise positive kids we’ve got to use many essential ingredients – Love, Discipline, Forgiveness and many other qualities all wrapped in any abundance of care and commitment for our children’s eventually well-being. 
# Attitude building is highly important and the author suggests the three gems for building attitude: Faith, Hope & Love:
Faith: Faithfulness is an attitude; It speaks of the qualities of trust, reliability and loyalty. Faith is the unifying principle of life, its gives life meaning and definition and direction. Faith is the attitude of man that results in his ability to believe in the future and to work towards tomorrow. Faith is the first step and in s unifying principle that gives us a sense of confidence. Faith is your response to Gods ability. 
Hope: Hopefulness is a attitude; expectations, confidence, inspiration and enthusiasm. Hope is the fruit of faith. Hope with believably is one of the greatest gift you can give your child. Hope through spiritual relationship with god, produces an attitude of enthusiasm. Faith opens the door to inspiration and hope powers the forward trust of aspiration
Love: Love describes the most lasting, most precious and valuable spiritual attitude that bears the slid gold fruit of commitment, sacrifice and honesty.

# The way you think is the way your perform

# When we positive input, we have positive output and when we have negative input, we have negative output

# Those who can make you believe absurdities can make your commit atrocities

# Great music can lift a person to heights of accomplishment and inspire marvelous contribution to society

# Honesty is a marketable commodity

# We fail our children if we say Don’t do as I do, but do as I say

# When you find something good tell your child specifically what you found that you like. Applaud your child.

# Applause is the best motivator, we’ve found to make children feel good about performing and about themselves. Motivation is something you do on a regular basis

# To raise your children as positive winners, you need to frequently assure them that they are winners. Tips for positiveness: 
1. Make mealtime, when humanly possible the most casual, relaxing experience of the day
2. Limit your child intake of junk food
3. Provide a healthy breakfast
4. Use common sense principles
5. Be patient
6. Be a good example
7. Encourage healthy snacking
8. Parents must forgo the temptation to constantly repeat to their children what they accomplished when they were in school
9. We need to teach our children and remind them often that nobody can make them feel inferior without their permission and they need to be taught not to give that permission to any one
10. Since your personality is judged by the way others perceive you, the way you teach your child to communicate and come across is extremely important for every phase of his life
11. Select your children jobs or choose the house coarse that have definite starting and stopping points
12. Encourage your children to carefully choose their friends
13. Encourage your child’s character
14. Learning how to read is most important
15. To build your child’s self-image, teach him manners
16. Emphasize the development of a craters, imagination, teach your child to “see”
17. Develop a healthy self-image and to establish a positive loving environment
18. Help your child develop pride in being an important part of something worthy and noble that is bigger than any one individual
19. Build your self image by starting the day looking yourself in the eyes and making the commitment to do and be your best that day.
20. If your child has a physical problem that contribute to a negative self-image, explore your options.

Successful parents raising positive kids need to see, their kid as finished, competent, positive adults 

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Book Summary | The Magic of Thinking Big

Title : The Magic of Thinking Big

-    Author : David J Schwartz

The book was first published in 1959, the book appears on many "must read" lists, and is sometimes quoted by modern authors. I enjoyed reading the book. Inspirational to really push yourself past your comfort zone to be successful. The 3 areas of focus are career, family, and social.  I have developed the crux of the book as ready reckoner. Although at the end of the each chapter, the author has summarized. I think this book is worth refreshing and relooking at times.  The author also provides some framework on how to avoid excuses, build confidence, build enthusiasm and lastly the magic of thinking big.  

A person is a product of his own thoughts. When you believe in yourself, then good things start happening. Mind is a ‘thought factory’. It is the busiest factory producing countless thoughts in a day. Developing the power of belief.  The author classify People into 3 groups; First Group: Those who surrender completely; second Group: those who surrender partially; Third Group: Those who never surrender.  People who tell you it cannot be done almost always are unsuccessful people are strictly average or mediocre at least in terms of accomplishment.  And there are always excuse for not being successful. Every failure is the diseases in its advanced form though Excuse. Thoughts, positive or negative grow stronger, when fertilized with constant repetition. Thinking yourself to success must be to vaccinate yourself against excuseitis.   The author has analysed the reason for excuse and they are commonly due to the 4 reasons and provides remedy to overcome the excuses.  

Excuse 1: But My health isn’t good | remedy: Refuse to talk about health; refuse worry
Excuse 2: But you’ve got to have brains to succeed | remedy: Never underestimate your confidence; remind yourself several times and put your intelligence to creative positive
Excuse3: It’s no use; I am too old or too young | Remedy: invest in future; compute how much productive; look present age positively
Excuse4: But my case is different; I attract bad luck |Remedy: Accept the law of cause and effect; don’t be a wishful thinkers.

Success means winning. Belief in greatest driving force, the power behind all the great books, plays and scientific discoveries. Disbelief is negative power. Doubt disbelief, the subconscious will fail, the not really wanting to succeed is responsible for most failures. Belief is the thermostat that regulates what we accomplish in life.  The magic of thinking big is about, Think Success, Remind yourself regularly your better than you think so and Believe Big. Big ideas and big plans were often easier. The magic of thinking big is through 3 step framework
  1. Provide the content – What to do
  2. Supply a method – How to do
  3. Meet the acid test – Get results.

Magic of thinking Big comes through Confidence. Confidence has a common meaning of a certainty about handling something, such as work, family, social events, or relationships. The book provides key insights to building Confidence and practise that needs to be followed to think and act confidently:
  •        Deposit only positive thoughts in your memory bank
  •       Withdraw only positive thoughts from your memory bank
  • .      Get balanced view to other fellows
  • .      Develop an understanding attitude.

To "think confidently, act confidently" practice the following needs to be practiced         
  •  Be a front seater 
  • Practice making eye contact 
  •  Walk 25 percent faster 
  • Practice speaking up     
  • Smile Big

To build confidence we need to be enthusiastic. Enthusiasm can make things 1000% better, three steps to create enthusiasm are
  • 1. Dig into it deep
  • 2. In everything you do, life it up
  • 3  Broadcast good news

To think big use words and phrases that produce big, positive mental images.4 ways to think big vocabulary

1.       Use big positive, cheerful words and phrases to describe how you feel
2.      Use bright cheerful, favourable words and phrases to describe other people
3.      Use positive language to encourage others. Complement people personally at every opportunity
4.      Use positive words to outline plan to others

Believe it can be done: When you believe something is impossible, your mind goes to work for you to prove why. But when you believe, really believe, something can be done, your mind goes to work for you and help you find the ways to do it. Become receptive to ideas. Be an experimental person. Be progressive, not regressive 

A must read book that touches many aspects.  

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Book Summary | SWITCH : How to Change Things When Change Is Hard

Book Name: Switch: How to change Things when Change is Hard

Author: Clip and Dan Heath

Change is constant and managing the change is challenging. Every day we embrace change, some are simple and some are difficult. The big changes may be from marriages, new homes, new technologies and new job duties. But change is hard, to manage the change the several frameworks exists. An interesting anecdote that the author brings in the book, that probably never taken seriously is about the tamed elephant. The elephant is large, strong, intelligent and often sometimes dangerous animal.  The rider or the manhout rides on the elephant, motivates it to ensure the task is completed.  The rider is characterize the rational, the elephant characterizes the emotions. When there is clash between the rational and emotions leads to change. 

The rider Provide clear understanding of the goal and the benefits. What looks like resistance is often lack of clarity. Motivating the elephant is Create emotional engagement to provide inherent motivation. What looks like laziness is often willpower exhaustion. And shape the path Change the environment to create the behaviour you want. What looks like a people problem is often an environment problem.

The book Switch: How to change things when change is hard provides a three point framework to lead the change

I. Direct the Rider: 

- Find the bright spots
- Script the critical moves
- Point to the destination

II. Motivate the Elephant:
- Find the feeling
- Shrink the Change;
- Grow your people

III. Shape the Path:
- Tweak the environment
- Build habits
- Rally the herd

The book consists of good case studies on driving change management. Change can only be brought when behavior is changed through feelings. To change someone's behavior, you've got to change that person's situation. 

The author narrates research examples such as Popcorn studies, food perception, companies poor purchase habits, milk experiment, Health care improvement, fighting malnutrition,etc. 

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Book Summary | Just Listen

Book Title: Just Listen
Author – Mark Goulston

Many a times, we make an opinion based on the title of the book. I also thought that Just Listen would be another book on self-help on improving the listening skills. After reading the book once and glancing across the notes on the four large sessions of the book, I conclude this book is not about just listening but its more about building teams, working with different people and overall framework for individual and organisation development. Communication, Collaboration and clarity is required while interaction with teams, framework is required to listen, understand and motivate to handle different people. Just listen is an book, which provides an comprehensive toolkit with examples and introspections for reaching anyone, getting through anyone, building buy in and channelizing for putting things across.  The key summaries on the each of the sessions and the takeaways are as below;

Section – I : The secret of reaching anyone

The secrete of reaching anyone is the magic of using words who resist to listen to willing to do anything. The core of communication is the persuasion cycle: To take the people from the beginning to the end of the persuasion cycle, one need to speak with them in a manner that convinces them. All encouragement involves moving people through the steps called "Persuasion Cycle:
  • -          From Resisting to listening
  • -          From Listening to consideration
  • -          From Consideration to willing to do
  • -          From willing to do to doing
  • -          From doing to glad they did and continuing to do

Words has power to encourage and discourage to motivate and like. Use of the right words and right tone develop comfortability to continue what needs to be achieved.  

Section – II : The Nine core rules for getting through to anyone

The Nine core rules for getting though anyone
  • 1.      Move yourself from “OF F#@& to OK :  Releasing yourself from the stress to get emotions under control. The technique is to release of anger or stress from The reaction phase to Release phase to recentre phase to refocus phase to reengage phase.
  • 2.      Rewire yourself to listen :  Perceiving is believing, Misperceiving is deceiving. Based on the first impression or perception on what we hear and see we make fictitious creation about the person which may be prejudice. To understand the person, we need to rewire the open communication with open mind to access the real person’s needs.
  • 3.      Make the other person Feel “Felt”: Putting yourself into the other persons shoes to understand the feeling.
  • 4.      Be more interested than interesting : Using positive affirmation while listening to mark open-up for communication
  • 5.      Make people feel Valuable : use of body language and human needs for respect, recognition and belonging. It helps in improve engagement, cooperation, collaboration and communication
  • 6.      Help people to exhale emotionally and mentally: use emotions and positive affirmation as key to listen. Allow people to vent and get as much off of their chest as they feel is possible, without you interrupting or being judgmental.
  • 7.      Check your dissonance at the door: When you have disagreement don’t hesitate to take feedback from the co-workers, friends and relatives.
  • 8.      When all seems lost – Bare your neck: Don’t give-up
  • 9.      Steer clear of toxic people : There are different type of people – Needy People, Bullies, Takers, Narcissists, Psychopaths.

Section – III : 12 Quick and easy ways to achieve buy-in and get through

  • 1.      The impossibility questions: About asking the right question to move from listening to consideration.
  • 2.      The magic paradox : shifting from nobody understand to you understand for gaining the trust to cooperate for solutions.
  • 3.      The empathy jolt : application of empathy and willingness to work towards solutions using relationship.
  • 4.      The reverse play empathy jolt: using empathy to change the behaviour to avoid problems.
  • 5.      Do you really believe that : building confidence
  • 6.      The power of Hmmm : making feel comfortable and active listening
  • 7.      The stipulation gambit : Neutralizing the weak points.
  • 8.      From transaction to transformation:  Use right words and affirmations for sales pitch to build ideas and interest for future success either negotiating or relating to the scenarios. Transactional communications don't create traction in a relationship because they're impersonal and shallow. 
  • 9.      Side by Side: shared and communication by asking open questions.
  • 10.  What would you say: putting the right question to open up
  • 11.  Fill in the blanks
  • 12. The power thank you and power apology:  Power of thank you is for something specific, Acknowledging the efforts and difference that has made. Apology  consists of the 4 R's: Remorse, Restitution, Rehabilitation, and Requesting forgiveness.

Sector – IV: Putting it all together: Fast fixes for seven challenging situations

·         The team from Hell
o   Make feel happy – Make feel needed – Make feel important – Secret out in the open
·         Climbing the ladder   
·         The narcissist at the table
·         Stranger in the town
o   Visibility | Credibility | profitability stages
·         The human explosion
·         Getting through to yourself
·         Six degrees of separation
o   Create one to one situations , Make virtual allies, reach the gatekeepers,

Monday, May 21, 2018

Book Summary | The Innovation Zone : How Great Companies Re-Innovate for Amazing Success

The Innovation Zone : How Great Companies Re-Innovate for Amazing Success
Author : Thomas M Koulpoulos

Innovation is one of the most searched word today and widely used word in day to day activity in corporates. From the top to the bottom, everyone is asked to innovate to add value.  The book touches about the innovation zone for business model innovations to crowd sourcing for innovations as there is no single approach to innovation and innovation approaches depends upon the organizations priority, cultures, and people.  Innovation at the organisation level needs systems and solutions as Innovation and creativity are processes and one can learn and improve them.

The thought provoking paragraph in the book is: From Steve Jobs to Bill Ford, innovation has become a mantra for organizations that are thriving as well as those that are striving. But it is questionable if most of us can really define innovation or describe how to create it. Can innovation actually be taught? Can innovation become a core competency? Are there rules you can follow to emulate the leading innovators and to create your own Innovation Zone?.

Summarizing the thoughts:

  • Innovation cannot exist in the absence of value that is recognized and rewarded

  •            The Obstacles for innovations are : Believing that Innovation will Just Happen | Telling everyone to ‘think outside the box’ and call it a day | Laying the responsibility on the shoulders of Innovation team or Technologist | Criticizing the ideas | Viewing Different and new as Bad | Analyzing ideas into Financial and legal mind-set | Afraid to fail | Innovating only when you need to | Leaving it up to the innovators | Encouraging everyone to drop any and all ideas in suggestion box

  •     Building Innovative culture: Dedicated function | Incentives for inventors.| Internal exit | Metrics |Leadership

  •     The companies that sustain growth and margin best are the companies that focus on innovations that build on their core competency by innovating their business model.

  •    Leadership plays a crucial role in building an Innovation Zone. The role operates chiefly in four areas: Separating core competencies from the core business model Building and reinforcing a culture of innovation Counterbalancing entrenchment in past success Creating an organizational structure that facilitates innovation

  •     Leaders need to put in place five elements for a culture of innovation to thrive: Visibly committed leadership Defined area of responsibility Rewards Customer involvement Mentoring and training

  •  The velocity of innovation is measured and improved by using a model called the innovation chain. Four stages determine the velocity of an innovation chain: Internal awareness Internal responsiveness External responsiveness External awareness

The book has examples of Innovation zones and success stories of few companies, makes it interesting read.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Book Summary | 10-10-10: A Life-Transforming Idea

Title :  10-10-10 : A life Transforming Idea
Author : Suzy Welch

Ten Ten Ten !! has different connotation based on the situation.
Ten Ten Ten - A Life Transforming Idea, after reading this book, my thoughts is that this book teaches an new method or process that could be practiced for decision making. This method of decision making considers short term, medium term and long term perceptive of the decision.

Decision making is an art. The decision taken at that time based on that situation probably would be the right decision. However any analysis post taking decision may be wrong. But life or work continuous and problem needs never solutions. There are many decision making techniques such as cost analysis, decision tree, Pareto analysis etc. But this book propose a new idea of decision making process - 10 - 10 - 10.

The book has nine chapters - 
1. 10-10-10  in the light of the day
2. The science behind the sytem
3.  Value equation of 10-10-10
4.  Happily Every after
5. In work, dignity
6. You can get there from here
7. Teach your children well
8. Lean on me
9. The mistleto Dart

10-10-10 is taking decision differently, proactively by delebrately considering the consequence in the immediate present, near team and distant future. In Ten Minutes.... Ten Months .... and Ten Years with a road map of clarity and courage.  Every 10-10-10 process starts with a question or dilemma, or crisis or problem. The first 10 basically stands for "Right Now"  as in one minute, one hour or one week. The second 10 represents that point in the foreseeable future when the initial reaction to your decision has passed but its consequence continues to play out in ways you can reasonably predict. And the third 10 stands for a time in future that is so far off that its particulars are entirely vague.

This idea of 10-10-10 is for lifting people up, not breaking them more. May be another way to look at things before concluding. I found the first chapter is all about the idea, and rest of the chapters are about dragging with some examples which are not interesting.

A one time read !!

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Give it a thought | Measure for Measurement - Performance Measurement

For many traveling in air is fun and few it is nightmare as they have to pass through cumbersome process with last minute frisking. Last week, After I completed my engagement earlier than the schedule. I reached airport early, thinking, if lucky  I could catch an earlier flight to my destination. Before clearing the security authorisation, I just checked the customer care for possibility for earlier flight. The customer care executive in all politeness informed that could be done, but at the boarding counter. I found that there were 3 flights available for my destination. I enquired for availability accommodating  in the earlier flights and are there seats available.  The executive checked and informed me that there are seats available, however I need to pay extra as they have to reschedule.  The cost of rescheduling to earlier flight was higher than my scheduled and I thought it is better to fly as per the scheduled time rather than catch an early flight. Inside the airport one can always access laptop and work..

This incident reminded me the Goldratts thought on process improvements using three measurements throughput, inventory and operational expenses. And the famous quote “Tell me how you measure me, and I will tell you how I will behave”. Today many of the airlines are measured on the basis of ‘ON TIME’. Thats the measurement.  We measure many things at many places. So measurement becomes very important. 

I just thought ‘occupancy rate’ was the measurement parameter, then they would have accommodated me in their earlier flight. Occupancy rate and on time performance was the monitored for every flight, then it would have been Performance Measurement. This performance measure has an direct link to THROUGHPUT, INVENTORY AND OPERATIONAL EXPENSES. 
If this was the performance measure, There would have special announcement in the airports to occupy the earlier available flights who have already cleared check-in and waiting for their flights.

I was the last to enter the flight. I saw the sign of relief on the face of cabin crew. Before closing the doors, the cabin crew checked her watch and announced that the flight will be departure at the X standard time. I casually enquired how do they know on which standard is the watch calibrated Indian Standard Time (IST) or Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), EST, etc. There was no response.…
Operational definition of Measure is important for clarity and uniform deployment across the levels.    

Measurement aligned to performance  measurement is vital.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Book Summary | The Checklist Manifesto by Atul Gawande

Book Title: The Checklist Manifesto : How to get things right 
Author: Atul Gawande 

Today we live in a complex world with many systems and process interacting with each other. We knowingly or unknowingly use checklist as an integral part of our daily activities, from birth at hospital to graveyard. Check list is one of the widely used and basic Quality Control Tool. The author has shared examples of application of checklists in wide industry from airline, construction, investments, hospitality, hotels and into health care. This book will not help anyone to develop a checklist, but provides great insights on checklist and disciplined process for following will help to achieve or gets things right. 

Today we use checklist for many activities, just to ensure that we have completed the activity. Fifteen years ago, Israeli scientists published a report about patient care in ICU. It was observed that in a day, on an average 178 individual actions are required ranging from administering a drug to suctioning the lung. Every activity posed risks. On an average 2 errors per patient per day was recorded. With many diseases can health care accept 2 errors per day ?  Can this be reduced? Can checklist become useful …?

Before the world war II, Boeing developed a plane that could carry five times as many bombs as the army requested. It could fly faster than previous bomber using four engines.  During the trial it crashed. The crash of the airplane made Boeing into bankruptcy. An investigation revealed that nothing mechanical had gone wrong. The crash had been due to pilot error due to pilot has to attend to the four engines, each with its own oil fuel mix, the retractable landing gear, the wing flaps, electric trim tabs and regulated hydraulic controls. It was too much airplane for one man to fly. 
The US army purchased few Boeing and tried to  overcome this, they came up with an ingeniously simple approach; they created a pilot’s checklist. Using a checklist for take-off to safe landing. With checklist in hand the pilots went to fly the model 299 without any accident. Because flying the behemoth, the army gained decisive air advantage in the world war, enabling its devastating bombing camping across Germany. Checklist seem to provide protection against such failures. They remind us of the minimum necessary steps and make them explicit.

In 2001, critical care specialist Peter Pronovost decided to give a doctors checklist in Johns Hopkins Hospital.  Following the checklist resulted in line infection rate to zero from eleven percent within ten days.

There are good checklists and bad Checklists.

Bad checklists are vague and imprecise. They are too long; they are hard to use; they are impractical. They are made by desk jockeys with no awareness of the situations in which they are to be deployed. They treat the people using the tools as dumb and try to spell out every single step. They turn people’s brains off rather than turn them on.

Good checklists, on the other hand are precise. They are efficient, to the point, and easy to use even in the most difficult situations. They do not try to spell out everything--a checklist cannot fly a plane. Instead, they provide reminders of only the most critical and important steps--the ones that even the highly skilled professional using them could miss. Good checklists are, above all, practical.” 

You must decide whether you want a DO-CONFIRM checklist or a READ-DO checklist. With a DO-CONFIRM checklist, he said, team members perform their jobs from memory and experience, often separately. But then they stop. They pause to run the checklist and confirm that everything that was supposed to be done was done. With a READ-DO checklist, on the other hand, people carry out the tasks as they check them off—it’s more like a recipe. So for any new checklist created from scratch, you have to pick the type that makes the most sense for the situation.” 

The best example of application of checklist is crash landing of the airplane in the icy Hudson riven 2009. They followed the protocols for such situations.

Ticking the boxes is not the ultimate goal of the checklist. Embracing a culture of team work and discipline is. What is needed, however, isn't just that people working together be nice to each other. It is discipline. Discipline is hard--harder than trustworthiness and skill and perhaps even than selflessness. We are by nature flawed and inconstant creatures. We can't even keep from snacking between meals. We are not built for discipline. We are built for novelty and excitement, not for careful attention to detail. Discipline is something we have to work at.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Book Summary | The VUCA Company - Suhayl Abidi, Manoj Joshi

Book Title: The VUCA Company
Authors : Suhayl Abidi, Manoj Joshi
Publication: Jaico

Don't read success stories, you will get only message. Read failures stories, you will get some ideas for success - A P J Abdul Kalam.

Aristotle famously said, that the gods first send 40 years of prosperity to whoever they intended to destroy. It is well proven from the history of men that success leads to complacency which leads to decline. That is why one must be most alert and watchful at the peak of success. The successful organizations sows its own seeds of destruction. The VUCA ( Volatility, Uncertainty, Complex and Ambiguity) are the jargon's that is widely used in the Management when business is in stress due to many factors.  The authors of this book have considered Indian companies which experienced failures post liberalization due to VUCA. The best part of the book, is the author has provided key insight on how companies can learn from these organizations failures to over come complacency. 

Although the word VUCA was defined by the Americans during the war and much conceptualized by the management professionals, The author has used Indian companies which underwent downside in the business and analyzed why these companies need to face turbulent times as well as closeout. Today the average life of S&P index companies has drastically reduced over the years.  Leaders  must be absolutely clear that the reasons that helped to succeed in the past will not guaranty the future success as the business context has changed.  In a vuca world, the faster the world changes, the more firmly the organization should be anchored to its vision. 

#Resilience and agility cannot be taught but can be learnt. Behavioral changes, rather than just acquiring new companies and skills must be emphasized. 

# Failure ! The fear of failure is a world wide phenomenon, experiencing it is inevitable and running away from it is only human. It is said that if you want to learn about success, talk to a successful person, but if you want to learn about failures, talk to a very successful person.

# Leadership involves the readiness to make decisions, the courage to take risks the willingness to collaborate and to support others to support creativity and the ability to speak ones mind. 

# In the VUCA world, resilience and adaptability are the two attributes that distinguish leaders from mere mangers. 

# When you stop learning, we stop developing and we stop growing. Thats the end of a leader.

# If you do only what you know and do it very, very well, chances are that you wont fail. You'll just stagnate and thats failure by erosion. 

# Ignorance and arrogance unforgivable to anyone or any organization.

# The path of success lies in the understanding the relevant trends, figuring out how your strengths and resources can capitalize on them and staking our a leadership position. 

# 3 C's are most important - Culture | Code of conduct |Control. 
culture is critical. it is important to remain committed to your organisations mission, to define core values and to act with integrity in accordance with those values. 
Arrogance leads to over confidence. Not only leaders become arrogant, but organization culture too starts taking the same he as dissentters are slowly eased out and debates disappear. overconfidence isn't a personality trait or a moral failing, but a natural consequence of success that affects almost every one . As we grow older and more experienced, we overrate the accuracy of our judgments. 

# Success can be achieved in two ways. One is like climbing a ladder. It is fast, but a ladder can be unstable and you can fall from where you started from. The other is climbing a mountain, where you experience descent as well as plateau on your way to the peak. 

# The causes of failure can be classified into 1. Human or behavioral 2. Systemic or organisational. 
The behavioral causes - Arrogance or Hubris :- Most failures are self inflicted wounds that are allowed to fester and ultimately poison the leader and his organisation. Hubris, the sin of overweening pride or arrogance is invariably the basic condition that undermines societies and individuals. 
According to Tim Irwin, in his book derailed, he charter the highs and lows of Six CEO's there are 4 qualities that are tied to failures - Authenticity | Self Management | Humility |Courage 

Derailed leaders progress through 5 stages - A failure of self / other awareness | Hubris : Pride before the fall | Missed early warning signals | Rationalizing | Derailment 

# Assumptions, beliefs, mindsets and blind-spots. 
- Successful people are more prone to assumptions as they start believing that they have somehow discovered the formula for success. 
- poor leaders are hired due to poor competency framework 

Failure is not a catastrophe, but failure to learn certainly can be, some of the case studies shared in the book is from the organisation such as Kodak, Motorala, Lehman Brothers, Jain Irrigation, Venky's chicken, Suzlon, King Fisher Airlines, Nokia etc. 

KODAK - The success had blinded the company into denial that digital photography would replace the film roll. Kodak fits the classic profile of a twentieth century corporate dinosaur. 

# Motorola - The arrogance of technological superiority is deeply ingrained in culture and iridium went forward single mindedly concentrating on satellite design and launch, brushing aside the challenges in marketing and sales. 

Lehman Brothers - Single minded goal to be no.1, he had little time and consideration for his clients and stakeholders

# Jain irrigation core lesson - Early success had blinded us and we thought we could do no wrong. Diversifying into unknown areas without required management bandwidth and eyeing disproportionate growth using debt is not sustainable.