Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Traffic baby begging !

Everyone in India, I believe might have gone through these sceneries in their way of life. Some might have observed this and felt petty and tried to do something like talking or donate , some might have shoved them away with abuse, and some including me we have just ignored as this is every day event.

Everyday when I commute from home to office and then office to home, I happened to see in the major junction when the vehicle stops when the signal goes red, then a Women carrying small child come and pled for help, in other words an young lady begging with the help of small baby. They need only cash. Be it in the hot sunlight or at cold evenings. I thought this was an unique feature of Mumbai at the traffic junctions., but I was wrong and I can observe at most of the junctions in tier II cities. This is just as controlled & planned mafia....
I have noticed even hours together the children doesn't cry , even for a while, when the lady is begging. what comes to my mind is, Is the child well feed ? or doesn’t bother at all or is the baby drugged as it gets into sleep. Is this the case of helplessness of a baby ??
we observe the reverse of the above when we visit and closely observe the parents and child behavior in restaurants, malls and movie houses. These parents are so concerned of their children and their cry. They start to give everything the child wants to ensure that it stops crying and try their best to ensure that the child understand their love. Is this a case of helplessness of parents??.

The thought that comes to my mind is:
To beg each and every day - Year after Year from where do they get babies ??

We feel petty about the child, and we give out money, but whether they deserve ?
n one of the articles in the print media and an episode in electronic media , they had reported about the child begging mafia ! but so far no action on it. this menes is growing stronger and stronger !

The TV media has got higher TRP rating and public has poor memory so it is wiped out.
Now a day’s every Sunday, if you surf TV you would at least see one or the other award or reward programs recognizing efforts of the common people who have succeeded in changing social life. I happened to watch an program, where in an NGO -Essas for runaway street kids was recognized. They are really doing an good job in educating street kids.
My point is why not such an NGO come forward and try this for small kids carried for begging. What is the life expectancy of the baby, when it is exposed to high pollution at the traffic junctions !

God is great, he cares everyone and does not baise on poor or middle class or rich!
"The most important thing in this is not to see whether the baby is happy or laughing but according to me, it is necessary that the baby doesn’t have to suffer or die due to hunger. At least the alms collected by the lady will give the baby the much required food that’s required for his survival, isn’t it?(hope So) After all to survive in this big mean world, is more important than anything else"

So what ??

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