Sunday, October 11, 2020

Book Summary | Light Bulb Moments

 Book Title : Light Bulb Moments : 75 lessons for Everyday Living 

Author : Talayah G Stovall 

The moment we see a light bulb symbol represents a trigger for innovation in corporate world. Light bulb moments is collection of experience in a short story form that are thought provoking. Every story shared resembles the path and experience each one might have gone through. Reading these anecdotes trigger a thought on the times how we responded or reacted and provides an opportunity to introspect action.

The book is collection of 75 stories that spread uniqueness in experience that one might have undergone.  The topics range from purpose, passion, preparation, persistence, patience, goal focus, trials, forgiveness, friendship and many more. 

Few that I could recollect; 

Prepare, Persevere and it will pass  -  Sometimes the reward is not in reaching the mountaintop of life but in the lessons you learn during your journey and the strength you gain from the climb.

The rainbow only comes after the storm -  The rainbow reminds us of how much God cares about us. In order to get to the rainbow periods in our lives, we must first endure the storms.

Trials Precede Transformation : In order for the butterfly's to emerge, the caterpillar must be transformed. If you are experiencing the pain of change in life, don't fight it. Go with it. 

Listen Closely to your GPS -   "Listen closely to your GPS" is about navigating through your life. You must know where you are and where you want to go. There is more than one way to get there. It is never too late to get back on track. You might be closer than you think. Enjoy the journey.

Push Through the Concrete -  Permanence, Perseverance and Persistence in spite of all obstacles, discouragements and impossibilities its is this that in all things distinguishes the strong soul from the weak. 

Find Your Why

Choose your blocks Carefully - when Moses doubted his ability to lead the people out of Egypt, God told him to use what he already had in his hand. The same goes for us.  We can let circumstances rule us, or we can take charge and rule our lives within. 

Its all about relationships The rules of Relationship - Seven Be's: - Be Realistic | Be Authentic | Be Open | Be Tactful | Be Flexible | Be Accountable | Be Patient 

Don't be an Elephant - Success is a way of thinking. Shifting our mindsets will shift our energy, which will lead us to positive action. 

Empty your Cup - every time you empty it, it comes back twice as full. As you enjoy your own blessings, remember to reach our to others and share from your bounty as only you can. 

Beating the Blues - 

Alone does not mean lonely - 

Don't Quit the Race - Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent. Whatever your race and whatever your goal, just keep on running. 

A good read each day as we start every day.

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Book Summary | Reengineering the Corporation: A Manifesto for Business Revolution

Book : Re-engineering the Corporation : A Manifesto for Business Revolution 

Author:   James Champy

108585Business is all about taking the right risk for profits. Business is run by people and needs processes and guidelines for controls. Business processes needs re-engineering based on the organisations vision and appetite. The re-engineering the corporation provides key insights on how to redevelop or redesign the business process so that the purpose and value is achieved based on the customer needs. Re-engineering is the opportunity to develop the rules by which business in the future will be conducted rather than being forced to operate by the rules imposed by someone else. As such, re-engineering underpins every attempt to seize and maintain a true competitive advantage. I found the following as the key from the book.

Chapter – 1: The reengineering Concept
- Re-engineering is the opportunity to develop the rules by which business in the future will be conducted rather than being forced to operate by the rules imposed by someone else.
- Re-engineering is defined as the fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes to generate dramatic improvements in critical performances measures such as cost, quality, service and speed.    
- Three types of organisation undertake re-engineering
o   Companies that find themselves in deep competitive trouble – and who often require an order of magnitude improvements    
o   Companies with managers who can see problems arising in future
o   Companies with mangers who are ambitious and aggressive.          
Most re engineered processes deliver impressive production planning flexibility and capabilities
Companies enjoy the benefits of centralized purchasing power and decentralized operations.

Chapter – 2: The Characteristics of A Re-engineered corporation       
- Re-engineering is not solely about creating a new business processes it focuses on creating a new company by Simplifying the process | empowerment of people through range of tasks to perform | moving from hierarchy to a flatter management run by professionals and not managers | People in the organisation no longer worry about pleasing the boss but focus on pleasing the customers.          
- Re-engineering is never focused on fixing old processes. Re-engineering is focused on breakthroughs – quantum leaps forward       

Chapter – 3: Re-engineering Case Studies
Successful re engineering programs undertaken by large and small corporations in the past have these common themes:
  •  A focus on processes rather than organizational boundaries.
  • The drive to create breakthrough performance.
  •  A willingness to break with old traditions and rules.
  •  The creative use of new information technology.

Every company’s re-engineering program must be unique if it is to achieve anything substantial. There are no guaranteed-to-work or step-by-step prescriptions that can be followed in re-engineering.          

Chapter -4 : The Key to re-engineering success:               
Business process exist solely for the purpose of creating a satisfied customer – Always start with customer and work backward.              
Re-engineering must be done at speed – the faster the better.
Tolerate risk  
No engineering program every emerges full-blown right out of the box – accept imperfections along the way               
Don’t stop too soon

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Book Summary | Sadhu Sundar Singh

Book: Sadhu Sunder Singh : A Biography of the Remarkable Indian Disciple 
Author: Phyllis Thompson 

Sadhu Sundar Singh: A Biography of the Remarkable Indian Disciple of Jesus Christ
The book of Acts in the bible is about a promise that Christ made before Ascension to Heaven on Holy Spirit. The book of acts professes about a great prosecutor who wanted to wipe out the believers and his conversion into Paul and his story of healing etc. However, on the road to Damascus, he reported being blinded by a vision of Jesus Christ. He heard the voice of Jesus Christ, asking Saul, “why persecutes thou me?” Saul replied, “Who art thou, Lord? And the Lord said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutes.   After his vision and healing, he proclaimed the divinity of Jesus Christ and dedicated his life to spreading the Christian message. Paul explained that he was a servant of Jesus Christ and his unexpected conversion to ardent Christian was due to the Grace of God and not reason or intellect. We come across many stories on how he was released from the jail, how he healed many people, even when believers touched the clothes they got healed. At the end of the book, we read about a snake bit and people waited for him to die, but obviously then they started to believe in God. 

The story of Sadhu Sunder Singh does resemble the path of Saul who became Paul. A young boy with hatred, being rebellion on the teaching Bible in the class to becoming a great Saint who did evangelisation and healing of the sick across India, Tibet, Pakistan and Afghanistan.  He experienced the vision, and after the personal tragedy, as he tried to commit suicide in the tracks of the railways. The story of poisoning him and the treatment given to him. His miracles are just amazing to read and get inspired.  

He was known as the India’s Saffron Saint & the apostle with the bleeding feet for he walked far and long.  

An inspiring and interesting biography from post-independence 1929. 

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Book Summary | Upstream: How to solve problem before they happen - Dan Heath

Upstream: The Quest to Solve Problems Before They HappenOne of the Top 3 skills that organizations look for during hiring is Critical Problem Solving Skills. This is as per the survey by the World Economic Forum. People are employed in the organization to resolve problems. If there are no problems then I think, employees are not required. In life to, if there are no issues / concerns then human-being were not required. However, be it an organization or life, resolving issues / problems is critical and for this we need to apply certain principles or tools or a statement than can be understood by all. Then apply brainstorming or some other methodology to apply solutions. However, many a times, the problem repeats the causes may be different.

The author prescribes Upstream and Downstream for resolving the problems. Upstream is to identify the problems before it occurs – in normal terms we could say it’s about Proactive way of identifying the problem and resolving. Downstream is once the problem is occurred, it is resolved.  The upstream focuses on the early warning sings, use of system thinking, and directions. In case of Downstream is about reacting, where a hero resolves the problem.

Hurdle for the upstream thinking

  • Problem Blindness: This occurs when we believe that it is normal - Story of the Sexual Harassment case in 1975.
  • Lack of Ownership: The author narrates a story of car seat belt
  • Tunneling: The story of how a nurse solved a problem every 90 min in average

Thought Provoking for Upstream:

  1. How will you unite right people - Surround the problem, use data for learning?
  2. How will you change the system - Look for the system change
  3. Where can you find a point of leverage – Start with target a small population, event and data set etc.
  4. How will you get early warning of the problem – Look for the historical patterns to inform your predictions, maneuvering etc.
  5. How will you know what you’re succeeding - Use of paired measure
  6. Who will pay for what does not happen – Create closed feedback loops to continuously improve.

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Book Summary | The Holy Spirit: Activating God's Power in Your Life

Author : Billy Graham 

The Holy Spirit: Activating God's Power in Your LifeThe Holy Spirit is the promise of Jesus Christ to his disciples. The author is only of the most renowned and his speeches are always inspiring. The book is on the Holy Spirit, which the author tries is best to describe and as understanding the trilogy is difficult. The book has 18 chapters describing in the Holy Spirit to the need of the hour. An amazing description on the way the Holy Spirit works in our life and intercede on Christ behalf.

Chapter – I: Who is the Holy Spirit
The holy spirit is not an impersonal force, like gravity or magnetism. He is a person, with all the attributes of personality. But not only is He a person; He is divine as well. The attributes are
He is enteral | He is all powerful | He is everywhere present | He is omniscient | The holy spirit is called God | He is creator.
There is one body and one spirit, just as also you were called in one hope of your calling.

Chapter - II : When the Holy Spirit has Come
There are three main expressions used in old testament for the work on Holy Spirit on human being
He came upon men | He rested on men | He filled men   
Pentecost is the day marked as crucial turning point in the history of Gods dealing with the human race. It is one of the five past events, all of which are essential components of the Christian gospel; the incarnation, The atonement, the resurrection, the ascension and Pentecost. The Holy Spirit also acts through the people of God, who are called the salt of the earth and the light of the world by Jesus.
Commitment without reflection is fanaticism in action. But reflection without commitment is the paralysis of all actions.           

Chapter - III : Holy Spirit and the Bible        
This chapter the author presents the Holy spirits work in the scriptures, both from old testament and the New Testaments. As we approach the end of the age, persecution is going to be intensified.

Chapter - IV: The Holy Spirit and Salvation 
Science and technology cannot change man's basic nature. Economic restructuring cannot change man's basic nature. No amount of self-improvements or wishful thinking can change man's basic nature. Only God the one who created us can recreate us.      
Spiritual regeneration is accomplished by the Holy Spirit. Regeneration is not the work of the evangelist; it is the work of God's Spirit. the indispensable condition of the new birth is repentance and faith, but repentance and faith itself does not save. The new birth will bring about change in your relationship with God, a change in your relationship with your family, a change in your relationship with yourself, a change in your relationship with your neighbours, Gradually, if you are an obedient believer, it will bring about a change in disposition, affection, aims, principles, and dimensions.
Chapter - 5 : Baptism with the Spirit  
Baptism with the spirit is a collective operations of the spirit of God; it includes every believer. There are seven passages in the New Testaments that speak directly of the baptism with the spirit.

Chapter - 6: The Seal, The Pledge and the Witnessing of the Holy Spirit       

Chapter - 7 : The Christian's Inner Struggle 
We have two natures within us, both struggling for mastery. Which one will dominate us? it depends upon which one we feed. If we feed our spiritual lives and allow the Holy Spirit to empower us, he will have rule over us. If we starve our spiritual natures and instead feed the old, sinful nature, the flesh will dominate.
The Scripture teaches that sanctification has three parts, first - the moment you receive Christ, Second - as we progress n the Christian life and third - when we go to heaven. Whether we realize it or not, we are growing spiritually through the conflicts, turbulence, troubles, temptations, testing’s and so on that afflict all Christians slowly or rapidly       

Chapter - 8 : The fullness of the Spirit
Power is dynamically related to person. This person is the Holy Spirit Himself, indwelling the Christian and filling him with the fullness of his power. He will permit us to have only as much as power as He knows we will use or need. Unfortunately, many Christians are disobedient and having prayed for power, have no intention of using it, or else neglect to follow through in active obedience. I think it is a waste of time for us to look for power we do not intend to use; for might in prayer, unless we pray; for strength to testify, without witnessing for power unto holiness, without attempting to live a holy life; for grace to supper, unless we take up the cross; for power in service, unless we serve. Someone has said, “God gives dying grace only to the dying".   

Chapter - 9: How to be filled with Holy Spirit
The New Testament teaching on how to be filled with holy spirit can be summarized in three terms;
Understanding | Submission and Walking by Faith        

Chapter - 10: Sins against the Holy Spirit      
Two sins against the Holy spirit can be committed - one is to grieve the holy spirit and other is to quench the spirit.           

Chapter - 11: Gifts of the Holy Spirit 
Wisdom | Understanding | Counsel |Fortitude | Knowledge | Piety | Fear of the Lord.

Chapter - 12: Further Gifts of the Holy Spirit
We can possess three kinds of wisdom, the first comes to us naturally, the second comes from learning and the highest kind of wisdom comes directly from God and is associated with the particular work of the Holy Spirit.    

Chapter - 13: The Sign Gifts  
The sign gifts include healing, miracles and tongues.     

Chapter - 14: The Fruits of the Holy Spirit    
Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-Control  

Chapter - 18: The need of the hour    
Eight characteristics of outpouring of Holy Spirit          
1. There will be a new vision of the majesty of God
2. There will be a new vision of the sinfulness of sin
3. There will be an emphasis on the necessity of repentance, faith and the new birth
4. There will be the joy of salvation
5. There will be anew realization of our responsibility for world evangelization
6. There will be a deep social concern
7. There will be increased evidence of both the gifts and the fruit of the spirit
8. There will be renewed dependence upon the Holy Spirit.

A book that needs to be re-read for greater inspiration and faith building.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Book Summary | The Grand Weaver - How God Shapes us Through the events of our lives

Book Title: The Grand Weaver : How God Shapes us Through the events of our lives 
Author : Ravi Zacharias 

The Grand Weaver: How God Shapes Us Through the Events of Our LivesI have listened to many podcast of Ravi Zacharias, listening to his lectures brings a kind of eagerness as he relates the life with scriptures to get engaged for a Purpose.  I didn’t knew that Ravi would be called by God, on the day, I started reading this book “Grand Weaver”.  In the introduction of the book – Grand Weaver, the author simply asks “why has God made it so difficult to believe in him? This can be a common metaphor for many of the believers, especially in the difficult and struggling time.   This book is around Gods design and is mysterious intervention in our lives to know the specific purpose for each one of us.  The authors belief that God intervenes in the lives of everyone and God speaks to us in different ways and at different times. The book is about calling for each of us, designed to fulfil each individual uniqueness. Once you being to see Gods hand in our life, we will know that his workmanship within us and through you was tailor made, just for you. That’s why the title of the book Grand Weaver.
I have tried to summarize these 8 chapters.

Chapter – 1: DNA Matters:
Gods gifts are unique and these gifts even when in flaw has a great message to convey. It depends upon the way one view and treasure the gift. It reminds that each person is unique and special but not flawed.
# Accepting and celebrating the thread of your own personality is the first grasp of the Grand Weaver’s design in your life. You are not a number. He knows you by name. Every stage of the process may not look picturesque, but every detail will come into focus and possess its share of beauty.

Chapter – 2: Your Disappointments:
Every individual born in this earth will undergo pain and suffering and disappointments in their own way. There cannot be a measurement to know who suffered more main and who had highest disappointments. We always feel that we are carrying the heavy burden, compared to others and author narrates a beautiful story of Golden Window.  One can observe the patterns of the disappointments and take three distinct steps in this journey before the pattern becomes visible and we being to see the work of God.
The author suggests three steps in this journey before the pattern becomes visible to see the work of God
1       1.   Involves the heart:
Three things happen to heart: it will grow hard, it will be broken or it will be tender. God the grand weaver seeks those with tender hearts sothat he can put his imprints on them. Your hurts and disappointments are part of that design, to share your heart and the way you feel about reality.  A heart is close communion with God helps carry out through the pain, beyond the power of words.

2.   Involves the Mind
Brain is to the body and the mind is to the soul. Faith is a thing of the mind. The entire financial structure depends on credit, trust, confidence, belief and faith.

3.  Finding the road

Chapter -3: Your Calling Matters
Immense success does not always bring meaning or fulfillment.  A calling is simply God’s shaping of your burden and beckoning you’re to your service to him in the palace and pursuits of his choosing. It is God’s vital purpose in positioning you in life and giving you the vocation and context of your will to serve him with a total commitment to do the job well.

God trained Moses in a palace to use him in a desert. He trained Joseph in a desert to use him in a palace. Some come through winding paths, some through the nicely paved road of privileged birth or influential friends. Others come through the visitation of circumstances with wandering and sudden signposts. Finding one’s calling is one of the greatest challenges in life, especially when one has gifts that fan out in many directions.

One simply cannot know one’s call without coming near to God in prayer.  The purpose of prayer and of God’s call in your life is not to make you number one in the worlds eyes, but to make him number one in your life. The second significant clue - the willingness to be outshone while shining for God. Humility is the touchstone of serving God. The preparation for the call through prayer and the attitude of living out the call in humility, takes the final step.

Chapter – 4: Your Morality Matters:
The fundamental difference between a naturalist worldview and a religious worldview is the moral framework. The first four of the ten commandments have to do with our worship of God, while the next six deals with our resulting responsibilities to our fellow human beings. These commandments base a moral imperative on our spiritual commitment, first towards God and second towards humanity.  Morality is the fruit of your knowledge of God, conscious or otherwise. Morality can build pride as well philanthropy true spirituality will never submit to pride.

Chapter – 5: Your Spirituality Matters:
Jesus challenged three different types of spirituality; Traditionalism, legalism and superstition.
Spiritual seduction is the deadliest of all seductions because it barters away the soul. Truth is the thread that separates true spirituality from false spirituality.

Chapter -6: Your will Matters:
We must take hold of God’s promise to bless us. The gospel declares that the Holy Spirit brings about the new birth and that because of the Spirits power within us, we gain the ability to do God’s will.
Willful walk with the lord – Ask without Pettiness | Being before Doing | Convictions without Compromise | Discipline without Drudgery.

Chapter -7: Your worship Matters
Worship is coextensive with life. Worship is ultimately seeing life Gods way. Three principal realities combine in worship; Mystery, Community and Liturgy.

Chapter – 8: Your Destiny Matters:
The cemetery new or old is not our ultimate destination; it is merely a place in which to remember the symbols of a farewell. The person is not there; only the last memory is there. The respect shown in a cemetery comes not becomes it is home, but because it is where we bid believing loved ones a temporary good bye.

A wonderful book, with a beautiful flow with real life’s stories that connects with present experiences or few heard stories make this awesome read and reflection.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Book Summary | The Ultimate Prayer Challenge: A Devotional That Will Change Your Life

Author: Adam Houge
The Ultimate Prayer Challenge: A Devotional That Will Change Your Life

There is an unseen force behind us which cannot be denied and this brings the hope in us at the times of uncertainties and in the period of difficulties. That force may be the God and it becomes vital to interact with God and the way we interact we define it as prayer. Prayer is a way of surrendering to God. Prayer is also a way of encouragement for hope.  The book is categorized into two parts.
-          The 7 most powerful prayers
-          The Prayer warrior’s 30 days’ challenge

First Part is on the most powerful prayers. These are the select
ed prayers from the author. It’s all about the reflections on life and insights taken from the scriptures. This being led by the spirit: an interesting insight to rebuild faith and works of holy spirit.   

The Second part of the book is the Payer warrior 3o day challenge an interesting narration and flow for 30 days helping in enhancing faith building and prayers.            

The uninteresting take on the first and second part is the authors response as the lord’s answers is really raw, making think differently as each person when he reads and meditates develops his own thoughts may not and will not resemble to the authors response.
If the rational on

-          Do we really need challenge for Praying and what will be the benefit?
-      Is there something called the best prayer and does God only listen to the best prayer and respond to those who will use the best prayers?
-     How one will ensure that there is continuity in prayer and does not get diverted from the prayerful life due to the challenging and difficult environment.

Then this book provides insights that one can meditate upon.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Book Summary | Giving Effective Feedback (HBR 20-Minute Manager Series)

"Praise effort, not ability". Remember to praise those around you for their work, including failures.

Giving Effective Feedback (HBR 20-Minute Manager Series)
Providing feedback an toughest thing in professional and personal positions, that has the ability to make or breaking a relationship. Feedback is often corrective, which means its intended to help the recipient change course or adjust practices when the current ones aren't working. Therefore giving effective feedback becomes critical. The objective of feedback conversation is to reinforce positive behaviour or improve performance.

The book is a ready reckoner that provides clear guidelines and difference between feedback, coaching and Performance Appraisal. Feedback discussion is an opportunity to share the observations with others about the performance and behaviour. It becomes very important to identify the right situation to provide the feedback. The best part of the book is the flow on feedback process - from planning to follow-up and tips that one should remember while dealing with feedback. The influence of feedback is easy in job skills, time and work management and knowledge but it is difficult to influence in the areas of  attributes, habits and personality traits, where one has to extra cautious.

Some of the points that needs to be followed during feedback are - Active Listening | Observe  Nonverbal cues | Monitoring the reactions | Paraphrase the recipient.

Feedback is not a cure-all for workplace ills. And feedback varies in case of difficult conversations, high performers and boss . 

"Praise effort, not ability" this easy to remember thought can become your daily mantra. Remember to praise those around you for their work, including failures.

A small book, very handy and helpful

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Book Summary | Atomic Habits - John Clear

Book Title : Atomic Habits 
Author: John Clear 

The book touches about the habits and provides a framework on cultivating habits.

Atomic Habits: The life-changing million copy bestseller eBook ...The surprising power of Atomic Habits : Habits are double edge sword. Habits are like the atoms in our lives. Each one is fundamental unit of that and contribute to the overall improvement. If we get 1 % better each day for one year, we’ll end up thirty seven times better by the time we’re done. This make habits as the compound interest of self-improvement.  Good habits make time as our ally, and bad habits make time  as our enemy. We witness people making few small changes, fail to see a tangible result and decide to stop. Mastery requires patience. All big things come from small beginning. The see of every habit is a single tiny decision. But as that decision is repeated, a habit sprouts and grows stronger.
Goals are about results you want to achieve. Systems are about the processes that leads to those results. Goals are good for setting a direction, but systems are best for making progress.
1: Winners and losers have the same goals: The goals had always been there. It was only when they implemented system of continuous small improvements that they achieved a different outcomes.
2: Achieving a goal is only a momentary change: Achieving a goal only changes your life for the moment.
3: Goals restrict your happiness : Goals create an “either or conflict” either you achieve your goal and are successful or you fail and you are a disappointed.
4 : Goals are at odds with long term progress : The purpose of setting goal is to win the game. The purpose of building system is to continue playing the game. True long term thinking is goal less thinking.

Habits shape our identity :  Habits are challenging for two reasons as (i) we try to change the wrong thing and (ii) We try to change our habits in the wrong way.
There are three layers of behavior change
  •     The first layer is changing the outcomes : These are associated with Goals. Focus on What
  •   The second layer is changing the process : These are concerned with changing habits and systems.
  •   The third layer is changing the identity : These are associated with beliefs, assumptions and biases. Behind every systems of actions are the system of habits.  The ultimate form of intrinsic motivation is when a habit becomes part of the identity. Behaviour are usually a reflection of the identity.

The process to change in identity are
a.       Decide the type of person you want to be
b.       Prove it to yourself with small wins.

4 simple ways to build better habits: Behaviors followed by satisfying consequences tend to be repeated and those that produce unpleasant consequence are less likely to be repeated. A habit is a behavior that has been repeated enough times to become automatic. The process of habit formation begins with trial and error.
The process of building a habit can be divided into four simple steps
  • Cue : The cue triggers the brain to initiate a behavior.
  • Craving : These are the motivational force behind every habit.
  •  Response: The response is actual habit that is performed which take the form of a thought or an action.
  • Reward :  The reward serve two purpose – They satisfy the trigger and they teach.  Reward teach us which action are worth remembering in the future.

Point & Call: One of the greatest challenges in changing habits is maintaining awareness of what we are actually doing. This helps explain why the consequences of bad habits can sneak up on us. We need a “Point and call” system for our personal lives. Pointing and calling is a safety system designed to reduce the mistakes. Pointing and calling raises the level of awareness from a non-conscious habits to a more conscious level of verbalizing the action.

The best way to start a new habit : Diderot effect states that obtaining a new possession often creates a spiral of consumption that leads to additional purchases.  Habit staking is a special form of an implementation intention. Habit stacking increases the likelihood that you’ll stick with a habit by stacking your new behavior on top of an old one. This processes can be repeated to chain numerous habits together, each one acting as the cue for the next.

Motivation is overrated; Environment often matters most : People often choose products not because of what they are; but because of where they are.  Environment is the invisible hand that shapes human behavior. Despite our unique personalities, certain behaviors tend to arise again and again under certain environment conditions. Behavior is the function of the person in that environment. B=f(P,E)

The secret of Self-control : Bad habits are autocatalytic; the process feeds itself. They foster the feeling they try to numb.
Steps to create Good habits
-          The first law : Make it obvious
-          The second law : Make it Attractive
-          The Third law : Make it Easy
-          The fourth law: Make it satisfying

How to break a bad habit
-          1st Law: Make it invisible
-          2nd Law: Make it unattractive
-          3rd law: Make it difficult
-          4th law: Make it unsatisfying

Habits are dopamine driven feedback loop. It plays an important role in neurological process. So when dopamine raises, so do the motivation levels. The more attractive an opportunity is, the more likely it is to become habit formation.

The role of Family and Friends in shaping your habits : In the long history of mankind, those who learned to collaborate and improvise most effectively have prevailed.  The habits are imitated in the following groups
  • The close : imitating the close, proximity has a powerful effect on behavior.
  • The many : Intimating the many
  • The powerful  : Intimating the powerful

Habit Formation: Habit formation is the process by which a behavior becomes progressively more automatic through repetition. Repeating a habit leads to clear physical changes in the brain. Automaticity is the ability to perform a behavior without thinking about each step, which occurs when non-consciousness mind takes over. Habits are easier to build when they fit into the flow of our life.

Two minute Rule: When we start a new habit, it should take less than two minutes to do. The idea is to make the habit as easy as possible to start. As we master the art of showing up, the first two minutes, simply becomes a ritual at the beginning of a larger routine.

Goldilocks Rule: states that the human experience peak motivation when working on tasks that are right on the edge of their current abilities. Not too hard, not too easy. Just right. The greatest threat to success is not failure but boredom.